
Roberta L. Campbell, founding member at Campbell Gunn Seib Jones, is a highly regarded practitioner in Criminal Law. With vast experience and exceptional skills, she is a proficient legal practitioner who is highly dedicated to her clients and offers tireless advocacy for their legal rights. Roberta’s commitment to her profession has earned her numerous accolades and recognitions from her peers, including being appointed Queen’s Counsel (now King’s Counsel) in 2019. She is known for seamlessly blending her legal knowledge with effective communication, and her unwavering commitment to her profession sets her apart from the crowd.

Professional Experience

  • Founding Partner, Campbell Gunn Seib Jones, 2007–present (formerly
    Campbell Gunn Inness)
  • Pinx Campbell Inness, 1998–2007 (formerly Pinx Roitenberg Campbell)
  • Wolch Pinx Tapper Scurfield, 1995–1998


Called to the Manitoba Bar, 1995

Bachelor of Laws, University of Manitoba, 1994

Bachelor of Arts (Economics), University of Manitoba, 1991

Memberships & Associations

  • Founding Member and Past Chair, Association in Defence of the Wrongfully
    Convicted (Manitoba)
  • President, Law Society of Manitoba, 2016–2017
  • Bencher, Law Society of Manitoba, 2010–2017
  • Vice President, Law Society of Manitoba, 2015–2016
  • Past Vice-President, Manitoba Criminal Trial Lawyers Association
  • Manitoba Bar Association
  • Honourary Member, Law Society of Alberta, Law Society of Saskatchewan

Selected Highlights

  • Appointed Queen’s Counsel, 2019
  • Participated in the Sophonow Inquiry on behalf of the Association in Defence of the Wrongfully Convicted
  • Counsel, Military Court Martial
  • Counsel for the Appeals Committee, Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation, Nelson House
  • Counsel, Investment Dealers Association
  • Prosecutor, Law Enforcement Review Agency
  • Mentor, University of Manitoba Law School, Sisler High School
  • Lecturer, Universities of Winnipeg and Manitoba
  • Guest Speaker, Crown Defence Conferences
  • Guest Speaker, Continuing Legal Education, numerous high schools and community events
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